Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vel consectetur enim. Suspendisse a felis ac orci viverra pellentesque quis sit amet diam. Vivamus gravida sapien ante, viverra fringilla elit lacinia ac. Praesent dapibus orci sed erat maximus vestibulum. Etiam pretium dolor lectus, et placerat nunc semper non. Praesent feugiat velit at lorem dapibus porttitor. Vivamus vulputate, ante quis ultricies sodales, diam velit sollicitudin sem, ultrices ornare libero tortor at lectus.

Wolmar for London

Soon after graduating, I became one of the founding members of the Wolmar for London campaign, a grassroots movement of volunteers supporting Christian Wolmar’s bid to become Labour’s candidate for Mayor of London. We worked tirelessly for two-and-a-half years to generate new and radical policies around transport, housing, policing and public health, as well as hosting events to crowdsource new policy ideas. Dave Hill, the Guardian political correspondent, described us as, “the most extensive grassroots political campaign the capital has seen in recent times”, and many of our policies went on to influence Sadiq Khan’s mayoral pledges, including his Homes for Londoners scheme and the pedestrianisation of Oxford Street.